As some may already have suspected, the whole idea was based on the "Ask (insert name)" tumblr action going on in the MLP fandom. One day I thought: If this works on tumblr, why not try it on another scale on Ponibooru?
First only as an experiment, I created the question page for Rarity and postet it, then settled back for 24 hours and went to see what reaction I got. I must admit I was surprised: Many questions had been postet. In my opening comment I promised an interview and I kept the promise. Going through the episodes, sometimes frame by frame, I extracted the scenes I wanted to use, resized them and devised the answers.
The first interview went well, so I decided to give all of the mane six ponies a chance, as well as the royal sisters and Ponyville's favorite mail mare, Derpy Hooves (I got to know her as Derpy - and Derpy she will be for me).
After the interview with Derpy, I thought I'd be done with those. Think again, CS. Much to my surprise, I actually received requests to do more. Well then, you ask for them and you shall receive.
In the interviews, I try to keep the characters as close to the show as possible as well as I stick to the official storyline. However, using headcanon is almost impossible to avoid when you answer some questions. I also try to let the ponies act as living beings who can make mistakes, let something slip or misunderstand things.
F: Why screenshots?
A: I like doing creative things, but my drawing skills can be considered a crime against humanity. To spare others the horror, I use screenshots.
F: Why are you doing this?
A: Several reason. First, I believe that showing old scenes in a new light is an art for itself. Second, it's ridiculously fun to make. Third, I like to amuse others and if at least one person gets a smile or a laugh from what I do, I consider it worth the time it took me to make it.
F: You insane?
A: Sometimes, especially when someone talks to me before my first cup of coffee.
F: Do you take requests or commissions?
A: That depends pretty much on my mood. I will not accept requests or commisions with straight pornographic/ racist/ religious/ offending content. Also, why comission something when it's easily done yourself?
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